Teaching SM Synopses - My plan to teach

Teaching SM Synopses - My plan to teach social media includes these three topics, in order of presentation: Facebook, Blogging, Twitter and HootSuite. Yes, that sounds like four topics, but Twitter and HootSuite will be combined for one session. Some of the material I’ll present presumes you have a website and are planning to drive traffic to that website as a part of your overall strategic marketing plan. This means you will have to either create or modify your website to accommodate the sales pitch generated by your social media campaigns. If you need help with your website, that is one of many services offered by Rouzell Enterprises, Inc., so please keep this in mind when taking on the knowledge necessary to launch your social media campaign as a strategy for building and marketing your business. Facebook - We will begin with why and what you should post, including how often and how to tie it to the need for people liking your posts. Our discussion will include a full demonstration of starting a business page on Facebook, along with how to promote your new page by leveraging your existing client database and other contact databases you may have. We’ll also show you how to use several methods to update your status and add to the content of your business page. Fresh material in a constant flow is the key to success with Facebook. Blogging - We will show how to use your existing website to create a blog page. There are many ways and many platforms available to begin your blogging experience. You also have to consider your approach to blogging as a way to engage your audience on at least two levels, one being a way to allow them to see the human being(s) behind your product or service and the other being a way to provide more in-depth information about your offering. There is a way to use a hybrid approach to appeal to a wider audience. Blogging allow for a kind of “free form” approach to marketing as you are free to explore a wide variety of topics that will engage your clients and prospects and keep them coming back for more. As long as they keep coming back, you have opportunities for additional sales! Twitter and HootSuite - Twitter may be the most misunderstood and underused of the social media arsenal, as many people simply don’t get the simplicity of the short message. We will explore how to generate a powerful message, with a hook and the bait to bring your customers to your website. It’s a fairly simple process, once understood, easily implemented through various means. HootSuite is a utility to tie together your Tweets, Facebook posts, and your Blog; combining the power of all three in an easy to use console that allows you to post updates in a few minutes to many sites. http://ow.ly/aJJWW

Right Now at Coachella Valley Fun

Right Now at Coachella Valley Fun: We have previews of upcoming events. And there are plenty! Listen to an interview about  "Brew at the Zoo."  It is coming up this this weekend at the Living Desert, there is a bird watching bus tour on Friday that you can still get tickets too and there will be some red hot dancing coming up, too. http://ow.ly/aBrHe

Only A Few Days Left

Only A Few Days Left - Then I have to pay for my subscription to this service. As much as I like this platform for CMS, I will have to consider what I am getting for my money. Chances are, I’ll pay.  After one heck of a weekend, I am (unusually) at a loss for words. I’m tired and worried about how things will go for my business, as I’ve decided to move back to a home office temporarily. Having an office is a luxury and until my business achieves a more consistent revenue stream, I’ll have to endure without the peace and quiet of my own space. Such is life. In the meantime, I’m working on new material for classes on social media and blogging, for classes I’ll be teaching over the next few months. I’ll share my results here, with you. That’s all for now. BR http://ow.ly/aAUIh

Once a Day, Whether You Like It or Not T

Once a Day, Whether You Like It or Not Today, I had the pleasure of showing Facebook to a room filled with 25+ people. They in turn enjoyed the presence of a young person (not me) who was able to answer a few questions that I could not immediately answer. This proves my theory that we really need young people who know computers to work with Generation Awesome and Baby Boomers, to tutor them on the use of social media. More on that later, as I’ll expand on my want for more people with so much diverse experience to become bloggers. For now, I’ll count today as a success. If only half the people in my class have a better understanding of how to get started with Facebook and the value of using this service, there are at least a dozen new Fb users with a new appreciation of this communications platform. Given that I cannot sleep with a mosquito in the room, I am running on fumes right now. So, off to bed, earlier than usual and I look forward to another day. Good night, dear readers. We’ll do better tomorrow. Brian Rouley http://ow.ly/ay6j6

Now, a plug for Squarespace, the CMS I a

Now, a plug for Squarespace, the CMS I am using to manage content on brianrouley.com. I’ve been searching around, using Wordpress, Concrete5, SimpleCMS and a couple of other things I cannot remember now, to test different CMS platforms I might use to manage my content. Because CoachellaValleyFun.com uses Squarespace to publish its website, I decided to have a look and then I signed up for the free trial. So far, I really like it. That opinion is based on experience with “the other guys”, but I have not finished my evaluation. And, I’ll probably find another one and test it, too. http://ow.ly/avxeu

One of my clients asked a question:

One of my clients asked a question: “How can I quickly post to my social media pages, when I make a change to my website (homepage)?” The question intrigued me and the service provided by CoachellaValleyFun.com may fill my need for self-promotion. Given that I am selling a service that helps people manage their social media presence, I began my quest for a solution. http://ow.ly/auZQk