SEO Works!

If you've been on any of my blog sites lately, you know I've been working diligently to become the local SEO expert in Palm Desert. This work is paying off now, as my quest to rise to the top of Google's search results, has resulted in just that result. Two new clients have come my way this week and both of them reported that they had found me with a Google search. One client searched for Palm Desert Computer Repair and the other one searched for computers Palm Desert. Either way, they both landed on and called me.

I had the pleasure of being "the only guy who answered his phone" with the first client. This is something I've advertised from the beginning - my availability and dedication to same day or next day service.

Along with this report of success for my business needs, I'm happy to report that is rising in the results on Google. If you search for Palm Desert Business Networking, right now, VIBE is in positions 8, 9 , & 10.


Becoming An SEO Expert In Palm Desert

If you want to become known as the Palm Desert SEO Expert, all you have to do is create a blog, post once a day, or at least a couple of times per week, ensuring you include the search terms you expect people to use to find your blog or website, add keywords in your META data, and like magic, you will rise to the top of the heap and be found on the front page of Google. That sounds easy, right?

OK, I am often in the semi-facetious mode when I write things like that. The truth is, many people lack the time or talent to create a blog and write useful copy daily, or even weekly for that matter. It takes some fairly simple skills to create a blog, but it takes some serious dedication and a bit of writing talent to produce useful content to share with your audience. Then there's all of that "behind the scenes" stuff, called META data.

Lest I leave out the rest of this story, you also have to promote your blog and/or your website, through every method available to you. Yes, you guessed it. That means Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, and any other social networking resource where you can post content.

I almost forgot to mention two more rules. If you want to be found by someone searching for "Palm Desert SEO Expert", be sure to include those words in your title (if possible) and definitely within the body of the content you are posting on your blog and your website.

You can also cheat a bit, with a paragraph like the one below. Here I simply paste from a stored text file a standard explanation of who I am and what I do. It makes perfect sense that if I expect you to take advice from me, you should know something about me and my business.

That's the best advice I have for you in this SEO expert dissertation. One last thing, though: Do your best to post original content (for two reasons).

  1. your words and your sentence structure become your voice.

  2. if you have to use someone else's content to make your point, maybe you are not the expert after all!


Diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert; Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. If you have any need for SEO,regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

MoneyPak Virus

You may have heard of this one. Hopefully, you will not have this experience. There is a (relatively) new virus going around that hijacks your computer, accuses you of criminal activity and warns that the FBI is coming to arrest you. If you want to remove this virus - according to their instructions - you are to purchase a moneypak for $200 and send them the money.

Here's a link to a video on KATU News, from Portland. The best parts of the video are where they show a computer technician working inside of a computer - purportedly "scrubbing" the virus out of it. That's just nonsense! The other good part is the end, where they take a parting shot at one of the people in the report. They say, maybe it pays to be a dog person!

In any case, if you know what you are doing, you won't have to open your computer to remove the virus. Just boot into safe mode with networking, download Malwarebytes and ComboFix, run them and you should be back in business in about an hour. If you need help doing any of this, of course, you know you can call me for the help you need.

Diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert; Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. If you have any need for SEO, need any help with computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

When In Doubt, Reboot

Rouzell Enterprises offers computer support and training. We are in Palm Desert and cover all of Coachella Valley. If you need help with your computer, or just need a bit of training and support to help you be just that little bit better at using your PC, call or write and I'll see you soon.

This might be the silliest thing I have to say, but I have to say it. If something stops working on your computer for no reason at all, you probably should reboot your computer. Restarting Windows computers does a "reset” of the system in a way that often restores full functionality. And, you'll save yourself some level of angst, frustration, and potential wasted time, if you'll just reboot and get back to work.

You can relieve yourself of that feeling of disgust for Microsoft by welcoming this opportunity to “take five” while your computer logs off, shuts down, and the system restarts. Seriously, don't watch the computer reboot. As soon as you click, “Restart” - get up, think of some productive or more relaxing thing you can do for the next few minutes and go!

To try to put a positive spin on this situation, I offer this analogy. Suppose you stopped your car at some in and out kind of place, where you did not shut off the engine, because you are coming right back after doing what you are going to do. When you get back into your car, you find the engine still running, but your steering wheel won't move, or you cannot depress the brake pedal, or you can't move the gear selector into drive or reverse. Reflecting on the approach in paragraph two above, you take the Microsoft approach to resolution. You turn the key in the ignition to shut off your car, take a breather and a moment to relax, then  start the engine again, and all your controls are restored. Now you can steer, brake, and shift gears and drive away. This would be a minor miracle! Yes, we know it doesn't work that way, because your car is not running Windows.

But Microsoft Windows very often does work this way. It is a mystery or a conundrum, but either way, you get to start using your computer again and get back to all of that “time saving work” you were doing before you were forced to take a break.

Learn this one lesson and you'll spend less time with that sinking feeling, you'll make fewer calls crying out for help, you'll enjoy a few minutes of up time as you take a short walk and do something better than staring into the monitor, and you'll probably reduce your blood pressure and the level of stress in your life. Thank you, Microsoft, for making all of this special time available to me.

Palm Desert Computer Repair

Palm Desert Computer Repair

If you are in any of the cities surrounding Palm Desert and need computer repair, call Rouzell Enterprizes, Inc.

Diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert; Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. If you have any need for SEO, or help with computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

Jay Abraham says this:

Jay Abraham says this: “And you should live for making people’s lives better because you’re in it.”


Diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert; Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. If you have a need for SEO, or help with computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

Unstuck Ringtone Production

Unstuck Ringtone Production ...forever since I’ve posted. Perhaps this is a result of “analysis paralysis”

Diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert; Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. If you have any need for SEO,regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

One of my clients astutely observed

One of my clients astutely observed; “A new computer comes with collateral costs.”

Diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert; Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. If you have any need for SEO, or help with computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

Seems reasonable: This is where blogging

Seems reasonable: This is where blogging can help you. You only have to write a paragraph or two per day.

Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

Pulled away by a story on CBS Sunday Morning

pulled away by a story on the CBS Sunday Morning program.

Remember to backup. Your pictures and videos are precious, too!

Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

Generating a post for demo of HootSuite

Generating a post for demo of HootSuite. Notice that the character counter is showing me when I run out of Tw space.
Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.

One of my clients asked a question:

One of my clients asked a question: “How can I quickly post to my social media pages, when I make a change to my website (homepage)?” The question intrigued me and the service provided by may fill my need for self-promotion. Given that I am selling a service that helps people manage their social media presence, I began my quest for a solution.

Best Movie - Backup

Has it really been 3 months since my last rant about the importance of backup? Somebody is surely slipping. Be sure to read to the end on this one, as we put in a plug for a service you all should consider. It's personal.

Watching CBS Sunday Morning, old Charley narrates a bit of history about the Oscar Winning Movie (the first Best Picture Oscar), "Wings".

Having just tweeted this, for the purpose of citation, now I see I also get to provide a short link URL for you here:
Scroll to the end of page one for the problem (possible data loss).

My Tweet:
Now reading :  Remembering "Wings," the 1st Best Picture : via @CBSNews - Best illustration of the importance of backup!

That's 140 characters - count 'em, if you must. Word will do this for you. Click the Review tab, then in the Proofing group, choose Word Count. There's a free lesson on MS Word for you - but it took me right off topic. Yes, this is another article about backup.

Near the end of the segment on the "Wings" movie, the discussion turns to finding the best copy of the movie. The studio searched everywhere for a good copy, because the one they had was deteriorating as "nitrate stock" film does. Use that link above and scroll to page two of the story to find the punch line.

Or, don't - here it is. They (the studio) had made a backup copy of the film in the 1950's. Do we really need to continue? Well, maybe we do.

Now I want to see that movie. But what I want more than that, for you, my dear reader, is to know that you have the foresight of a movie studio and you are backing up your precious data. Today, that may include video footage, music, words (a precious script, perhaps) and your memories in photographs. All of that data is analogous to the material that goes into making a great film. It also makes up the story of your life.

Wait, there's more! You say you have photos, films, music, and material that is not in digital format on your computer? Eeeyikes! How will you preserve that? The most obvious solution; find someone who can do that conversion for you. My recommendation, Heirloom Productions and Gene Shaw. You could look it up, but here it is, the easy way:

How do we get those short links? That's a topic for another post. Keep coming back for more - right after you run your next data backup.

Brian Rouley
Rouzell Enterprises, Inc.
Mousehelp at Rouzell dot com.

IE - Pronounced Aiiiyyyeee

Sometimes Microsoft just marches in and changes things on your computer. Like when IE9 is insidiously installed without your knowledge or approval, it seems kind of heavy-handed, to put it gently. This can cause problems.

The simple solution is to stop using IE. Google Chrome, among many other players in this space, does a better job, with less overhead (in this humble writer's opinion - ITHWO?). There are other browsers and you have a choice. The choice you make might be based on this one piece of information: Microsoft IE is not a standards-based browser. Go ahead and search that phrase, to find the truth for yourself.

As much as Microsoft has created an industry that provides some modicum of revenue for my business needs, I have to bite the hand that feeds me here. Long ago, I began recommending Google as a better browser. Many of my new clients still use IE and suffer the pains of some of the "features" that come with that software. Alright, I'll admit it, I still use IE; mainly because some websites have been tweaked to work with it. But that is the point I make here; why should a website creator have to tweak his website to comply with Microsoft's lack of compliance with web standards? Does that sound silly to you?

That's all I'm going to say, except to suggest this: Google this phrase... "CSS the missing manual IE=Edge" and read that page. It clearly explains the conundrum of coding needed to make Microsoft IE8 play nice with web pages. OK, I'm done.

YABA – Yet Another Backup Article

Yes, you’ve heard this so many times already; it starts to sound like nagging. But, we must impress upon you the importance of this one thing. Losing data is really a bummer!

It’s bad enough that data may be lost in so many ways; hard drives crash, people steal things, lightning strikes, floods, pestilence, locusts. OK, that was a bit extreme, but you get my point. Things can happen that will cause your computer to fail, or to become unavailable to you, or more simply to deny you access to your precious files, photos, music, videos and all those programs you’ve installed and your favorites, bookmarks, links to things you may never use again, they are all lost when disaster strikes.

Unless you’ve been listening to the constant nagging mentioned above, and like a well-behaved child, you’ve taken the advice and backed up your hard drive, or at least your personal data files on the hard drive in one of the many ways soon to be described, yet again, in this article. Why, you might ask, am I saying this again? Because it’s 9:35 PM and I am babysitting an XCOPY DOS command, which is faithfully executing a transfer of data from a failing hard drive. And, as much as I am OK with having this work to do, you don’t want me to have to do it for you, too.

There are at least three ways you can protect your data; Cloud based storage (the latest thing), some external device (old faithful), and data synchronization (a kind of hybrid method that uses the cloud and other computers to mirror data directories).

There is no other purpose to backing up your data, except certainty that you can retrieve it when necessary. This is the bottom line, right in the middle of this article. That being said, here is one method; synchronization.

After a brief review of cloud-based backup services, including well-known names like Mozy and Carbonite, I settled on SugarSync. You may already know why, based on the name. Those other names in online backup are focused on ease of use, “set it and forget it” installation and configuration. For me, I chose synchronization, so I get backup and restore. In essence, that is what happens – my data is backed up to the cloud, then “restored” to a directory on another computer. Actually, there are three other computers. The likelihood of data loss is further reduced by the fact that each computer lives in a different environment. One is at home, one in my office, one is in an office in another city and one is a laptop. The chances of all four computers being lost, stolen, or dying simultaneously are pretty slim.

Even with all of that certainty, here is another backup method – disk image backup to a local external drive. Each of my computers has been backed up (at least once) by creating an image of the entire drive, and that file is stored on another disk. Given that hard drives today hold hundreds or thousands of gigabytes of data and there are only tens of gigs to preserve, there’s plenty of room for this method. For this, you can use a product called Shadow Protect desktop, made by StorageCraft. It’s not cheap, but it’s easy to understand and run and it can be used for continuous incremental updates. The only drawback here is that you really should store your backup drive in a location other than right next to your computer. One of my clients had his backup drive stolen along with his primary computer. He will not be restoring his lost data from that drive.  That’s the problem with local backup. This leads us to one more method.

You can get a 16 or 32 or even 64 GB USB drive with a backup program built into it. This handy little gadget provides the simplest method of protection. You plug it in, answer a few questions, and in a few minutes you’ll have all of your important documents in your hand. The downside is; it is a handy little gadget, which means it is easily lost. You must now protect it with all of the fervor commensurate with the value of the data on it. That means lock it in a safe, or at least keep it as safe as you would your car keys or your wallet. In other words, know where it is and don’t misplace it. Lose this little gadget and this backup strategy is pointless.

That’s it for now. I could beat this up a bit more by telling you how hard it is to put a dollar value on photos and documents you have created and stored on your computer. But, I won’t. I’ll simply repeat the basics here. Start backing up your data as soon as you realize it is valuable to you. Use one of the three methods mentioned here. Get a USB drive, use disk imaging software, or subscribe to some online backup service. Just do something before your computer is lost, or stolen, or simply dies from any number of natural or unnatural causes.