One Day Changes Everything
Like yesterday, for instance -
I spent three hours driving, for the reward of eleven hours with my wife, Margaret. The benefits were beyond expectations and are listed here, and they lifted my spirit.
If you go to Orange, please enjoy Old Town Orange.
On the way to and from Anaheim Hills, I listened to a book on Audible (an Amazon company), by Tim Ferriss - The 4-Hour Workweek
Completing the trip in just under an hour and a half provided some modicum of relief, knowing that I can do this anytime I like, given that small sacrifice of time for a huge payoff!
Seeing Margaret, priceless!
Seeing her workplace, meeting co-workers, making that first impression, all good for both of us.
Having breakfast in Orange (the town settled by the subject of one of my favorite books, Pioneer Ranch Life in Orange) at Watson Drug and Soda fountain.
Wandering through countless antique stores doing almost nothing, fully focused on just being present in the moments with Margaret.
Shopping (for nothing I want or need), having a beer (something else I don’t need), taking in a movie (Wolf of Wall Street), eating an apple in Margaret’s apartment prior to departure.
That made for a very good Sunday. Let’s do it again, real soon!