One of my clients was expressing her creative concern about outgoing messages. Especially those that proclaim how important your call is to them, and the nonsense that sometimes follows; they remind her of the message from the Borg. “You will be assimilated” is one of the few on-screen phrases employed by the Borg when communicating with other species. “Resistance is futile” was even more popular.
In an earlier post, I discussed a time saver, whereby a caller would simply skip leaving a message at all, if he or she enjoyed a position of prominence with the receiver of the call. Given that any call I miss from someone who is in my contact database will almost always get a call back, unless the message is one of urgency and filled with detail, there is no need to leave a message. This applies mostly to my wife and people I work with closely, as we both save time in the process. The call I have to make to pick up voicemail prior to making that return phone call actually delays the result.
Back to the subject of this post, when I listen to the outgoing message prior to leaving a message, anything more than a very terse invitation to leave message results in my working to find the “after the” tone I’m waiting to hear. Bottom line, if you haven’t answered the phone and I do want to leave a message, don’t tell me how important my call is to you, don’t sell your business to me, don’t tell me how sorry you are, or what else you must be doing that made you unavailable to me. Simply tell me something that about who you are, or thank me for calling, and then say, “leave a message”, and be done - beep! I’m looking for the beep and I want to get to it as quickly as possible.
That’s all I’m going to say, except, thank you to my creative client. Some things need to be said!
Rouzell Enterprises is a Palm Desert based company providing compassionate care to people who use computers. This includes computer repair and computer support, also computer training and network support, and social media training and support. We are diligently working toward becoming your Palm Desert SEO Expert. If you have any need regarding computers, networks, or social media, one call to Brian Rouley at Rouzell Enterprises is all it takes to get the help you need.